By Jonathan Howe
On Thursdays at, I blog about a variety of topics typically dealing with church communications or social media. Once a month, I provide a list of young influencers in the church who are worth a follow. Thanks to all of you who have read, commented on, and shared the posts here at the site. Like Dr. Rainer, I have some great ideas for 2017 thanks to your feedback. Finally, here were the top posts of the year on church communications and social media:
#1 — Eight Things Your Church Website Must Have
Over the past few years, when we’ve written or discussed church websites, Dr. Rainer and I have continually stated “the two most important elements you need to have on the front page are the church address and service times.”
Many of you have agreed and even complied when your church’s site was lacking one or both. Others have asked “what next?” So here are the next eight things to include on your church’s website:
#2 — Eight Mistakes Churches Make on Their Websites
Your church’s website acts as the front door of your church. It’s likely the first place a guest will look for information about your church. I’ve written in the past about what is essential for effective church websites, but today I turn my attention to what churches often lack on their website.
Here are eight mistakes churches make with their websites:
#3 — Seven Keys to an Effective Church Social Media Strategy
Social media is here to stay, and some churches have done well as early adopters of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. But many churches are still either hesitant to use social media or are using it poorly and not seeing any positive results.
As the pervasiveness of social media grows, it would be unwise to continue to ignore your church’s social media strategy and presence. And like any other ministry in the church, social media needs planning (a strategy), people (someone in charge), and a purpose (measurable goals) to be effective. These seven keys will help your church engage both members and guests on social media.
#4 — Seven Dying Practices in Church Communications
In a previous article, I listed emerging technologies in churches. Today, I focus on communications and practices that are declining to the point of non-existence. Your church might still use some of these, but if the trends continue, you won’t be using them for long.
Technological advancements and cultural changes have ushered in new practices in church communications. As a result, these seven practices are not only being replaced, they are dying.
#5 — Nine Keys to Maximizing Your Church Facebook Page
In an episode of Rainer on Leadership earlier this year, I explained Facebook post boosting and how churches can utilize it to inform people in their communities. I soon began receiving questions from pastors and church leaders about best practices on Facebook.
While many churches have Facebook pages, most do not know how best to utilize the platform for Kingdom growth. So here are nine keys to getting the most out of your church Facebook page.